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Wednesday 25 March 2009, 07:20

I smile more than i should

Who can she turn to when she needs someone, one day.

I just read a story about this little girl. Not going to tell the story here though. She feels no more exciting, no more gratifying when she's listening t high tune songs. She thought it's all equally t songs that flow out sadness. Friend is nice t be, good friend isn't. Thoughts flashed through her mind. Is she's doing the right thing. What have she done. She did made efforts, but where have they gone t. Down the drain perhaps. Nobody knows what she's thinking. Nobody knows she had actually did this and that. Nobody knows how hurting she is. Nobody knows...
She tried talking t someone. She thought she could continue the conversation every time. Till half way she stopped, always. She felt she/he is not the right person. Hesitation that came t a pause. She always believe everything will be fine after a good sleep. But this isn't right. Is she cheating t herself. Trying to convince herself that this is just a pea t her.
However, the true proves her wrong.

I just know,
she hates being in this world full of obstacles.


Tuesday 24 March 2009, 02:32

This protrait taken a year ago.
See, tohxinyi still in cchy uniform. And now, she's coming nyp. Feel so happy for her. (: Neh, told you thats not the end right, gf. You will be paid if you made the effot. haha. I really hope t meet all of you for another majong session soon, okay?
(If youre not feeling okay, turn t me. 'll be there for you, forever. 'll be your listener if you need one.)

Hongkong trip is confirmed. Mom went t make calls around and the date is made. Like finally we can make a string dates out that suit me and sister. But daddy don't want. He said thailand instead. Wtpeck! Chickenpok!

Never mind, never mind, at least going back t Malaysia this coming friday is confirmed. Dad, i hope you don't turned me down again uh! You, phua chu kang. (nehhhhhh)
hahahaha, YES, my dad curled his hair and he looks like PCK!
WAHAHAHA! Next time i shall take a photo of him and compare.

I'm happy because boyfriend's happy.
See dear, i say you can make it means you can.
:D love.

Sunday 22 March 2009, 07:53

22TH MARCH 2009
Wild wild wet with darlings!
Pour spoiled the whole day. We managed t play one slide only.
Dinner at subway and dessert at Galeria. I felt so glutton yesterday.

Went t attend boyfriend's great-grandmom's birthday today.
Over hundred of people turned up, i guessed. So crowded, though she stayed in a three storeys. Great-grandmom was already over hundred, but she's still as healthy as us. I'm so proud of her. Stay healthy ah tai! Though i only met you a number of times only. (:
Boyfriend and i left really early. We then headed t suntec convention hall, as boyfriend claimed there's education fair. But it turned out t be oversea education fair. Wtpeck. So we strolled around food fair. Makan sutra! LOL. Daddy&mommy came over and looked ard the tour fair, then dinner at newyork newyork together.

Don't you think i've good art talent?

Will be back for more pictures...

Friday 20 March 2009, 08:04
Should i go for dance course which recommanded by dad?
Or continue t persue my driving liscense?
Or go Yoga course with mommy.

I'm so laze to go for all these manzx.

(I will go yoga definitely if mom has made her decision.)

Tuesday 17 March 2009, 08:29
Night's getting bored when boyfriend is not around. He's going Johor again tmr with his cousin, so it's more convenience to stay at his own place. Rejected the date because i just came back from the same place which resulted food poisoned. (Phobia!) Yes, tt's right. Moreover, i'm still not fully recovered. Went to wet market in the sunny afternoon with boyfriend, and i almost fainted lah! I had difficulty breathing after a few walks and perspired cold sweats. (what a weak...=.=) I can see boyfriend was scared. Not because he's afraid i pass away or whatsoever. He's just afraid that he can't manage a sick patient. What the chickenpie! He kept telling me, "Dear, don't faint leh. We are reaching already. I don't know how to handle "faint" patient one. You must hold on to it." And i quietly scolded him, Shut up. LOL.

Alright, i'm tired already.
The medicines are really strong, i think.

(Alibaba words come out already.)

(IT show with model darling. (: )

Monday 16 March 2009, 02:12
A two days one nights resort.

Just came back from Malaysia, somewhere in Johor.
And I myself got food poisoning and fever. :(
(I always fall sick whenever i'm in oversea.)
This time round, vomited three times and diarrhoea "laosai"(haha) once.
The process was really uncomfortable.
I dont know how i really got food poisoning, because im the only one who vomited.

But still, the workers there were very helpful.
They drove me to the nearby clinic, which is 10-15 minutes journey by car.
And, thanks mommy&daddy for taking care for me.
Especially mommy,
who fed me medicine and foods.
Thanks. (:

I'm feeling better already.

Monday 9 March 2009, 09:07


Went to have dinner as a celebration for Mommy xxth birthday at Jurong Bird Park; "Ah Yi Restuarant". No cake cutting during the dinner cause we secretly surprised her yesterday straight after the clock stroke twelve. I can see mommy was really touch. I even dropped my tears because mommy's getting older by each year. Mommy teared too. Sorry mom, just can't help but, i dont wanna leave you. How i wish i can always hold you by my side, never letting you go. I really wish t grow up sometimes, don't wanna rely on mom too much. But i can't. :( Dad came in and nagged at mommy cause he thought mommy made me cried due to the numbers of wrong Chinese words i wrote in mom's card. I realised the standard of my Chinese is down sloping. :(

So dinner today was not bad! Not as good as one of the seafood restaurant at ecp, not jumbo anyway. Is the one you can find the largest crabs. Dad wanted to go there initially, but news announced there's a heavy jam nearby. So ended up at Jurong Bird Park, seafood restaurant. LOL. Not eating bird shit though. haha.

My abalone.
(Anyway, i hate abalone. I forced myself to eat this)
(Dont know why, this abalone has hair! So hairy!)

I dislike lobsters. I find its meat too hard to chew. Aku perfers PRAWNS, cheaper somemore. This stupid lobsters costed $165. =.= Don't know why dad ordered it.

The jailed breadwinner! :D

Blow kisses to mom,
when mom was talking on the phone VERY SERIOUSLY.

Baby boy.

Ya, before that we went t ntuc to buy some goods home.

See the number of stuffs she threw in. There's more to go after i took this picture.
I think mom's just afraid there will be war coming up few days later.

Isn't this so nice!

Once again, Happy birthday mommy.
Stay young and fashionable and cool.
Lily loves you the most. :D

Thursday 5 March 2009, 23:21
Crazy mad teenager.

Boyfriend says: you 吃饱没有屎放!hahaha.

What so proud about that?
Still purposely text me.

Boyfriend and I were laughing at the texts you sent,
we were like, duhhhh! hahaha!
hahaha, can't stop laughing.


Wednesday 4 March 2009, 07:31
Late outing with Boyfriend just now.

We get ourselves ready only at six in the evening. The rest of the time was.. sleeping.
Yes, just like this!
Yup, like this even after we've our lunch.

Got ourselves down t town and purchased a stage hoody for boyfriend. Initially he wanted the other design, but it doesn't suit him. Moreover the size is too small for him. I'm happy to hear that, because this proved that Boyfriend has grew fatter. After the incident, he had no appetite at all, which resulted underweight. Poor thing. But never mind, everything's over. I'm happy and glad that you're recovering, but not yet t the fullness though. Anyway, i hope you like the hoody i bought. Promise me t wear it during our Fourth year anniversary okay? (:

Anyway, I've fish head bee hoon at my fav store for my dinner just now. It's owned by Boyfriend's friend uncle. (Such a long relation yeap.) I may be a little picky but I've t say that i don't eat any other fish head bee hoon except this store. Its really finger licking good, i tell you. No lie. You can try if you don't believe. It's at Bugis, beside top one Ktv. Right beside the Car park. You've to cross the road directly beside breadtalk. So understand? haha. I doubt so, yo! Nvm, figure yourself then. (:

Boyfriend suddenly wants to take neoprint. haha/ So guy lah :x

Mommy nagged at me just now. She said that I've been spending fucking non-stop recently. (Okay, she didn't say the vulgarity though, but she meant that.) LOL. Alamak. I didn't loh. Even then, i always spend on things which are useful.
How useful?
1) Useful enough to make boyfriend happy.
2) Useful enough to make myself happy.
haha, Useful enough?
( But i think i spent 80% on makan rather than retail. :( )

Mom, your daughter is saving currently okay. Not spending.
She can't wait for IT fair t come. (:

P/s: Iloveyou.
P/s: It became so much quieter now;
The good brothers i always have. Tc!

Monday 2 March 2009, 10:31

After much consideration, i went to dye my hair. Has, its dyed, and i mean it! I'm very sure i did put colour on my hair. See closely, and i did!!!! hahaha. I bet many of you'll be saying there's no different. But i really did luh! Pictures and real life is so much different. I did hor, i tell you. -Point finger at you!- hahaha.

Went to fareast t have my hair treatments. I had a hard time deciding the colour. So do my darlings. I'm very sure the hairdressers there were annoyed by us. =/ But who cares! We're their customers. Customers are always the priority. :D Okay, just found out that, having hair treatments is just like watching movie. Sitting there and not moving around for three to four hours. It's really tiring. I hate it. Lol. Boyfriend joined us too! I mean he went to walk around alone while waiting for us t be done. Hello, i didn't force him to come. He's the one who wanted t. I don't allow him actually, but he insisted. So, i'm innocent. (;
Anyway, Love Boyfriend.
Oh ya, Yl came t join us for dinner. The first thing he said when he saw me was
"Hello, si aunty!"
You will never understand my feeling.
Those feelings... just feel like giving him one tight slap. (:

Goodbye dear all.

& I really dyed my hairrrrrrrrrrr! :)

Sunday 1 March 2009, 05:19
Currently at boyfriend's house.

Just came back from town with donkey and boyfriend. Spent the time today with Don because he's leaving for India tomorrow. He will only be back like one month later? I bet he gonna be very dark after that and, very sure that he will "fall in love" with roti prata or chicken curry. Maybe even aiming for a different type of girl, yea? No more salad luh. Forget it! haha/:x
(Inside joke)

haha, remember t take care of yourself there.
See you one 27th march. :D

Pouring sucks the day.